Saturday 6 June 2020

When boys grow up thinking all women will sacrifice for them like their moms. Well...think again.

Hey there, how are you? It has been around 3 months since the lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic started and even though we are in 'conditional' movement control order now (cMCO) but everyone is still pretty much vigorous in social distancing and taking necessary precautions. Although over here, the numbers are coming down but you can never too careful. So, good to see that the majority of people are using their common sense. 

Anyway, I am not going to talk about Covid-19 even though it is a big part of our life and dictating our social and global economy but on a lighter note, I want to talk about a little thing that happened today at the dinner table that sort of, enlightened me about men. Well, my son who is now almost 18 and he keeps taking MY stuff from the fridge and eating them or drinking them. It is like, I love iced mocha and that is my daily reward. After a long day of work, I will sit down and have my iced mocha or sometimes, just a small bottle of Pepsi. We try not to have carbonated drinks so it is a treat. Then this son of mine, he takes my 'treat' and finishes it. You may think it is no big deal, but a woman will buy something nice and keep it for a significant occasion. It doesn't mean we do not want it or have forgotten about it. We are saving it for a special moment that we feel is deserving of it. When I buy that self-treat, I have this entire imagination of relaxing and having it whilst watching some stupid TV drama on Netflix. So, when the moment comes, and I open the fridge and it is gone, the entire imagination shatters and I am left with disappointment and ANGER. 

Well, my husband used to do that and for many years I got mad at him and eventually, he stopped doing it. Now, my son is doing it and it dawned upon me. I bet at some point growing up, my husband must have done it to his mother and as moms, we sacrifice everything for our children without question. Yes, that is what moms do. Sometimes, we would rather our kids are happy or have a treat rather than ourselves. So, most of the time when my son asked for the iced mocha, I would just say, 'sure, go ahead, take it'. Mothers, we just give everything to our kids without wanting anything in return. So, eventually these boys turn to men and they are conditioned to believe they can take advantage of all women, including their wives. Yup, maybe it is a long shot but think about it. When boys grow up believing that the first woman they ever knew and loved would sacrifice everything for them, and would provide everything and do everything for them, they actually think all women will treat them in that way. 

Well, here's news boys! Moms are moms, the only person in the world that is going to do all that for you is your mother (that is if you are lucky to have a mother who gives you unconditional love), but reality check, no other woman would do that, definitely not your wife or girlfriend. Mothers sacrifice everything for their kids (boys or girls) because their baby is like an extension of themselves, after all, the baby came out of their womb. For me anyway, I feel like my babies are a part of me but I don't feel that way about anyone else and definitely, do not feel I need to sacrifice for any man. 

On the contrary, women want men who are considerate, understanding and would sacrifice for them instead, not the other way around. So, a simple lesson for everyone, for moms out there, break the cycle, if you want to do everything for your son or sacrifice for your son, or if you think like your son is the best in the world (I know I do) then, have some realization, he is not God's gift to everyone, just to you. For men out there, only your mom will do everything for you, and fuss on you and sacrifice everything for you, no other women will so, if you feel suffocated well, good news! you only have ONE mom, and if you actually enjoy it, BAD NEWS, you only have ONE mom. No other women will fuss over you. 

So, I put my foot down and today, at the dinner table with my husband by my side, when my son asked to have my Pepsi, I told him, he can only have a sip and do not finish it. I said, "I bet this is what happens to every guy, they treat their moms this way and then, they think they can do the same to their wives. Well, your wife is not your mother. So, I am going to teach you a lesson boy, for the sake of your future wife, you cannot take someone else's drink or food or whatever it is, and finish it. That is rude and inconsiderate." and I looked at my husband, I think they both got the message. 

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