Friday, 31 August 2012

What to do before your Indonesian maid leaves Malaysia on holiday

My maid was due to leave on Friday for a three week holiday during Eid-ul Fitri. It was the night before that we were suddenly informed that she needed to have things done prior to leaving. Otherwise, she won't be able to come back i.e. she cannot leave Indonesia.

So, on Thursday morning I had to take an emergency leave and go to the Indonesian embassy. I had a meeting to attend though at 2pm. It was a challenge, a scene from Mission Impossible. We got there at 7.30 am and there was a queue that seemed to go on forever. I parked my car next to the embassy and this guy came and said "Bagi saya RM20 dan saya boleh tolong bawa ke depan..." He was like shouting saying "Give me RM20!!!" I thought to myself, OMG! I am being approached by a 'lanun'.

Somehow, we managed to get to the front of the queue in front of the embassy gates. As soon as the gate opened, everyone was pushing and shoving but the guards made it clear that women go in first and men have to wait. Now, that is what I call a gentleman country. My maid had to go through a maze to get the necessary forms. I had to enter separately and wait for her. This 'makcik' approached me and asked if I could fill in the forms for her cause she could not read nor write. So, anyway we helped her and she shoved RM1 into my hand. I'm like..."No! no! I don't want money." but she insisted so, I shoved the money into my maid's hand.

There were so many people and we had to wait around until 9.30 am before the counter actually opened. I was like making doa that things will be done quickly so, I could get home in time to attend this meeting. Then Alhamdulillah our number was the first to be called.YEAY!

So, this is what we needed:

1. Borang tukar alamat - meaning a form to put the employer's home address on to the maid's passport
2. Insurance proteksi - Indonesian insurance which you have to get from the car park beside the embassy. You have to hand in the maid's passport, photocopy of the passport and employer's IC. It costs somewhere between RM115 - RM130 and there's only ONE Indonesian insurance.
3. Malaysian health and life insurance - there's several companies you can go to at the car park and they cost somewhere between RM75- RM100
4. Surat perjanjian - with all the documents above, maid's passport, employer's IC, insurance both Indonesia and Malaysia you need to fill in an agreement letter which you get from one of the counters and sign it.

To get the employer's address into the passport was pretty easy and didn't take very long. The queue for the Indonesian insurance at the car park took ages cause I guess a lot of maids were leaving the country for Hari Raya. The 'lanun' guy who asked me for money came back when I was queuing for the insurance. He was like telling me off saying "Kan saya dah cakap awak perlu insurance" Well, in my heart I was approached me like a lanun (pirate) so how was I supposed to believe you? Anyway, I said "Takpe semua bagus, semua dah selesai. Jangan risau, jangan panik" Then, he was like defensive and said "Eh! saya tak risau dan tak panik" then he walked off.

I had to come back another day to sort out the employment agreement cause there was no time. The good thing is...they are quite advanced with using internet and stuff, so I could actually get the agreement letter bit done after my maid has left the country and email it to her.

There is a notice at the employment agreement counter regarding the worker's card that the maid has to make whilst she is in Indonesia. There are several centres they can go to all over Indonesia to make these cards. So, make sure you get the address of these centres and telephone numbers.

I came back another day to get the employment agreement signed and chopped. It is a standard agreement form that you get from the counter. I came at 4pm but the main entrance was closed so, I had to go in through the EXIT way. When I got there, the guy was like..."Kenapa datang lambat sekali, kita dah nak tutup Dik" but I charmed my way into getting him to sort it out. Then there was another lady who bullied and complained her way to get them to sort it out. Well, whatever works really! Yup...beg, charm or bully...

So, once the employment agreement was sorted and chopped, I scanned and emailed the documents to my maid. On top of that, the maid has to get a letter of 'release' from the head of the village (ketua kampung) to say she is allowed to go and work in Malaysia. I say Mission Impossible. Alhamdulillah she got it all done and got the card.

With all the least she simply strolled out of the country and back here with me!

So, for hassle free return and not having to pay fines and penalties blah blah... just sort these things out preferably NOT a day before your maid wants to go back.


  1. Hi, is this still in effect in 2014?

    1. Yes, I believe so. My maid went back this year too but luckily her card was still valid.

  2. Hi hi, for the work contract/agreement, is it OK if i download the form and submit to them without my maid? Where and which counter to submit? How long does it take them to endorse and stamped on it?

    Thanks in advance for the help..... i have a 1 year old boy at home... going from Johor to KL, wait for a long queue and back in the evening is like yours... MISSION IMPPOSIBLE... (we tried to do it in Johor today, we were told to only do it in KL cause our permit is issued from KL). :( sign.

    1. Hi there. Few years ago I went without my maid however, I am not sure whether the rules have changed. I went there quite late around 4.30 and they were almost closed. I gave in the forms and I had to come back the next day to collect it. I was told things are more efficient nowadays. Hopefully so. All the best to you.

  3. my experience:
    park in building after the embassy, covered parking and cheaper than open area before embassy
    went at 10:30am, daily 50 no. ran out, got spare no. from a friend
    bought Indonesian insurance at carpark area at RM90 for 1 year
    documents rejected, print contract on one side only, had to fill in again
    was instructed to change salary from RM800 to RM1000 in contract
    2 copies contract, 1 copy IC, 1 copy maid insurance Malaysia (RHB buy in post office) and Indonesia, 1 copy passport (front, permit, back pages)
    maid and employer or authorized representative to be present
    told to prepare letter to petugas yang berkenaan for Indonesia later, stating maid going back on leave
    serviced at 2:30pm, collected documents at 4:00pm
    puasa time no canteen only stall

  4. my experience:
    park in building after the embassy, covered parking and cheaper than open area before embassy
    went at 10:30am, daily 50 no. ran out, got spare no. from a friend
    bought Indonesian insurance at carpark area at RM90 for 1 year
    documents rejected, print contract on one side only, had to fill in again
    was instructed to change salary from RM800 to RM1000 in contract
    2 copies contract, 1 copy IC, 1 copy maid insurance Malaysia (RHB buy in post office) and Indonesia, 1 copy passport (front, permit, back pages)
    maid and employer or authorized representative to be present
    told to prepare letter to petugas yang berkenaan for Indonesia later, stating maid going back on leave
    serviced at 2:30pm, collected documents at 4:00pm
    puasa time no canteen only stall


Comments, criticisms and praises welcome but please be intelligent.


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