Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thoughts to the family of Babar Ahmad

I am truly saddened to hear of the extradition of Babar Ahmad to the US. He lost his 8-years legal battle against the extradition since the time I was still in London. However, I am inspired by not just the brother himself but his entire family and especially his father Mr Ashfaq Ahmad who stood by him and worked tirelessly to clear his name and to keep him within the security of his family. He is a true Muslim father MashaAllah, May Allah reward you.

For more information on the entire story of Babar Ahmad go to

I see myself here and how often we find ourselves preoccupied with trivial matters. I have seen how Muslims in this country hurt other Muslims, how they cheat and lie and rob and harm their own brothers and sisters in Islam (not all Alhamdulillah but it is happening) and I feel saddened and ashamed of what our society has become. I have now been back in Malaysia for only 3 years and I have experienced liars, cheaters, con men, even know friends who have been 'sihir' (black magic) and I never saw any of that in my brothers and sisters in the UK. No doubt the society in UK is no better or even worse than here but I'm talking about the Muslims in Britain. In UK, they were my family, they looked after me, protected me, helped me when I was alone with no family members to rely on. May Allah SWT reward the brothers and sisters in the UK with continuous strength and Iman.

Anyway, it really doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is the Mercy of Allah. There is no need to feel hurt or pain or vengeance because whatever harm that happens to us even if it is done by someone else be it a person, an individual, a state, the corrupt man made system...nothing ever happens without the Knowledge and Permission of Allah SWT. It is Allah SWT who puts us where we are.

I read on my friend's FB page that a brother Sh Muhammad Abdul Maqsoud of Egypt said "When I was placed in solitary confinement. I found that the brother that was in there before me had written on the wall: "Know that you have sold your soul for if He wished, He can place it in a palace and if He wished He can place it in a cell. So do not become weak nor saddened and you will be superior if you are indeed believers."

He SWT says surah An-Najm: 42 "And that He is the One who makes (one) laugh and makes (him) weep". In fact, read the entire surah because it is beautiful and it makes us think and understand what we are or what we are not and why we are here. 

So, it is not about other people. Whatever happens to us and whoever hurts us or say whatever to us; it is never about that person or those people but it is all about our relationship with Allah SWT. 

May Allah SWT give strength to the family of Babar Ahmad and the 4 other brothers extradited with him. 

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