Thursday, 14 July 2011

Dealing with anger: part 2

"The best of you are those who are slow to anger and swift to cool down...beware of anger for it is a live coal on the heart of the descendant of Adam."

Hadith Prophet Muhammad SAW, riwayat at Tirmidhi

Have you identified yet the trigger factors that makes you angry or 'lose your temper'?

Anger is an emotion and like any emotion, we cannot touch, see, smell or hear but it is something that we can definitely feel...

The feeling of anger can however trigger some physiological responses in the body. We will detect the changes in our breathing, it may become more rapid and shallow...we may detect that our heart beats faster...we may become sweaty, shaking, hot flushes...our muscles tense up and we may grit out teeth...our tone of voice may become higher and we might feel a lump in our throat...all of these are signs and symptoms of anger.

It is important to recognise when we are angry in order to prepare ourselves to deal with our anger. When anger strikes, our judgment gets clouded and we might find it difficult to think clearly. Our perception of the situation may become exaggerated and often phrases such as..."always" or "never" will appear in our speech such as "You never listen to me!" or "You are always doing this!". Our ideas may become rigid and we lose the ability to discuss objectively.

Breakwell (1997) describes the 'anger - assault' cycle.

Anger does not necessarily lead to violence or assault however, the threshold of an act of assault is lowered when a person is angry.

Breakwell describes a 5 - stage process

A. The trigger phase - where a trigger factor setting off the anger
B. Escalation phase - the anger level starts to ascend - at this point, the person can still control his anger and the anger can either escalate or dissipates.
C. Critical phase - once the anger has reached this phase, it is difficult to use any calming method
D. Recovery phase - the anger starts to cool down, at this phase the anger might be re-triggered so, be careful
E. Post crisis phase - the ability to think clearly returns and the person is almost back to normal.

Understanding the the signs and symptoms of anger and the different phases of anger will help us to detect anger when it manifest within us and will prepare us for what to do next

1 comment:

  1. Hmm have something personal to ask you about the AA cycle. Will pm you in fb.


Comments, criticisms and praises welcome but please be intelligent.


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