I remembered thinking how beautiful Jennifer Connelly was. She was so young then. She played the character Sarah. To me, she was just a typical spoilt girl who created this fantasy world for herself. The first scene was her, dressing up as a princess and reciting a script from a book. She was not happy that she had to look after her baby brother. Whilst baby sitting, as part of the script from the book, she called on the Goblin King to take her brother away and that's exactly what the Goblin King did.
The rest of the movie was about her trying to get her baby brother back. It was a self-discovery and character building. She had to sacrifice her comforts and go through dangers in order to save him.
The introduction
The Goblin King was of course, in love with her but as a 16 year old girl, she was not interested in him and was only focused on getting her baby brother back. He tried to enchant her with his 'magical' powers and to make her forget; watching this next scene (the ballroom) when I was 12 years old, I did wander like 'how the hell is she going to forget her baby brother, just because the Goblin King put her in a bubble, and got her all dressed up as a princess' but I supposed it was a metaphor because she was in a 'bubble', completely oblivious to everything else that was happening around her.
I really like the way that she was just unfazed by him. I believed that is how women should be. That we should focus on whatever our mind is set upon, and not to be enticed by anyone or anything.
The ball 'As the World Falls Down'
Along the way, she made friends. She met Hoggle, Ludo and Sir Didymus who helped her overcome the Goblin King.
This movie influenced me in two ways:
1. To focus on whatever I put my mind into and not be distracted by other things. In my case, it was my studies.
2. Friendship is more important than romance. I think that was the main reason why my husband and I finally got together after years of being apart. We got married after we were both single again and more than anything, it was because we were friends.
When you are friends with someone, you never pretend to be anything else. All your reactions, your speech, your ideas are exactly who you are. My husband and I, we used to spend time together when we were young because we enjoyed each other's company. The things I loved and admired about him are still the same things I love and admire about him now, and the things that annoys me about him now, are still the same things that used to annoy me when we were young. We don't need to change, just because we got married. We evolve and be better because we want to stay together and marriage requires a lot of understanding and compromise. When you are 'seeing' someone, forget about romance. Just get to know that person. If they have annoying habits or character, it is never going away; find the things that make you admire them. If you can't find any, get out of the relationship.
To me, being friends is about hanging out, sharing thoughts and ideas, expressing what crazy things that is in your mind, learning new things from one another and sometimes, just being in the same room without having to say or do anything, it is just that comfortable silence. Then, you know you can be with that person for the rest of your life because their presence is good enough. Sometimes when they are not there, it is like the light has disappeared. I used to feel like even though I was surrounded by so many people but, I felt something was missing and as soon as he appeared, it is like the he brought an entire crowd with him, even if he was alone.
The final scene was her defeating the Goblin King. In this scene, she recited the words that would destroy him. To me, this is when she grew up because she put her brother before herself, she went through all the obstacles in order to get him back and she was finally successful in achieving what she had set her mind to do. This movie inspired me to be focus on the things that I wanted to achieve in my life, to be unfazed by anything or anyone who wanted to distract me from my goals.