Sunday, 1 January 2012

2011 into 2012: Looking back and visualising the future

2011 has been a turbulent year, indeed for the world and for this helpless soul. In February 2011 during my return to the UK for personal matters, the world was greeted by the 'wave of change' that was sweeping the Arab world starting with the fall of President Ben Ali of Tunisia and followed by the large scale demonstration in Tahrir Square, Egypt.

At the time, Muslims were hopeful to see the return of the Khilafah but unfortunately, the fall of the Mubarak regime was replaced by quasi-democracy and the struggle for freedom and Islam in the Arab world continues ...into the year 2012.

Change in the Muslim World

The world economy has not been predicted to recover, still riding on a roller-coaster. Inflation has shot up by more than 50% from the time I went back to the UK in February to the recent return of my other half. The economic recovery is slow and US/Europe are still struggling to get their economy to stabilize.

The Telegraph: predictions for economy 2012

In Malaysia however, good news for some but not for others as the government announce a new pay scheme for government employees, raising the basic salary for others up to half or a quarter fold but has caused a stir to the injustice of a few grades who tend to lose out. There are also fears that this will lead to inflation thus, affecting private sector workers and self-employed individuals.

This move is in no doubt related to the impending elections which is argued to be an act in favour or not in favour of the present government depending on who you are and which salary grade you are in. So, lots of issues to ponder about and to satisfy the inquisitive mind.

As for me, life started early in the year almost like watching 'Lost in Translation' as I struggle to adjust to this new dull, monotonous, brain dead, no sense of real purpose or direction kind of movie which turned half way through the year into a car chasing scene from 'The Bourne Identity' and towards the end of year evolved into 'Nightmare on Elmstreet' or some kind of psychological thriller and finally settled into something like the ending of 'Ombak Rindu' with some real moral and ethical message in the end, plenty of good lessons to be learned and maybe with a twinge of Adam Sandler's comedy movie to just complete the whole theater experience. this is because sometimes things that happen in Malaysia can be so serious and profound but at the same time ridiculous and ironically funny. I really don't know how to explain it in a better way...

So, what are we to look forward to in 2012?

Well, there's the Olympics in London which I am glad to say I am not there to experience it. I don't need any 'super powers' to predict the added security, overspending, criticisms and complaints by many different parties on how the Tory government is mishandling the whole situation and of course, there will be some scare mongering of some 'fundamentalist' Muslims who will try to mess all the fun by some bomb-plot. How do I know this? Well...I don't but sometimes when you keep watching the same sort of  movie, you can almost predict what is going to happen next.

There is the unraveling of the political change sweeping the Arab world. We will watch with hope and great interest to see the Muslim ummah grow and develop in their mentality, thinking and culture; to make that choice to either choose the man-made system of democracy or the system of Allah SWT, the Khilafah.

Finally, there is of course the prophecy of armageddon 2012. I really have no idea who predicted this or started this chinese whispers but it has been spread from mouth to mouth, and on You Tube. For Muslims, it should be clear to us that the knowledge of the hour is with Allah SWT alone. We just need to be ready for it at all times by obeying Him and fulfilling our duties and responsibilities.

“They ask you about the (final) Hour - when will be its appointed time? Say: ‘The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (alone): None but He can reveal as to when it will occur. Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the earth. Only, all of a sudden will it come to you.’ They ask you as if you were eager in search thereof: Say: ‘The knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone), but most men know not.’” (The Noble Quran, 7:187)

So, 2012 what do I hope from you?

I have so many resolutions and plans and overwhelmed by work deadlines already. There's gonna be stress, love, laughter and sadness... there's gonna be hope and everything that life has to offer but in the end, there's only one purpose... to worship the One who creates and controls everything.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, things are heating up. I like to listen to the guy from his forecasts are insanly accurate and was able to make a killing last year on gold. He is worth a look if you want to protect yourself. Not many people will be ready for what is coming. 2012 is gunna be a big year, I can just feel it.


Comments, criticisms and praises welcome but please be intelligent.


  I am in a quest to search for THIS truth. People ask, 'why are you still searching for the truth?’  You have found Islam.  You believe...