Saturday, 7 May 2011

Come on girls! let's raise our standards.

If you read my previous article, you would understand where I'm coming from...I want to form a campaign! a call for all the Muslim women/girls in this country to raise their standards. We will demand to be treated with respect according to what the Prophet (saw) said, 'Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family. If a person has one daughter, God will screen him from the fire of hell owing to his daughter; if he has two daughters, God will admit him to Paradise; if he has three, God will exempt him from the obligations of charity and Jihad. (Kanz al-Ummal). Also, the Prophet (saw) said :The whole world is a provision and the best provision is a pious wife."

So, let's change the rules...we demand that the men know and fulfil their Islamic function as the head of the family. We demand to be treated with respect, NOT FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF EQUALITY, WESTERN FEMINISM OR WOMEN'S RIGHTS but from the viewpoint of Islamic rights given to women by the Creator, Allah who created men and women. Allah has created women as partners to men, she is given roles and responsibilities just as men are given roles and responsibilities.

We will not compromise. You do not touch us without being married to us. You do not get to go out with us without fulfilling the akad nikaah. We do not care with your 'threats' that you will no longer love us if we do not give in because we know that even if you do not love us, Allah swt will love us and Allah's love is priceless compared to yours. Your love means nothing to us except a love that is blessed by Allah, the Almighty creator through marriage.

You do not get to look down on us because we will be educated and we will demand that you discuss with us about islam and issues of the world because we know about our deen and what is happening in the world; and if you don't, you will look like a fool in our eyes.

And if you think that if you do not marry us, we will become old spinters and we will be frustrated. wrong can you be because Allah is the one who gives the rizk and He will find the right man for us, one who is obedient to Allah be whoever he is, from whichever part of the world...but he will be a true believer, a mukmin and that is all that matters to us.

Believe me when I say sisters, there are many good practising brothers out there all over the world looking for good pious wives; many times I've been asked by my husband to look for a Malaysian wife for a practising brother...but so far my husband and I have not been able to fulfil those brothers, do not despair, find love in Allah and He will show you a better way.

I have no doubt that if the women set a higher standard...the men will have to follow like one of my friend quoted "A woman should be so engrossed in her love of Allah that the man will have to find Him to get to her..."


  1. Salam Dr. Farnaza...
    can i share this article in my facebook?

  2. Wa alaikum salaam,

    Sorry late reply. Didn't notice this comment. Of course! you may share whichever entry. Thanks.


Comments, criticisms and praises welcome but please be intelligent.


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