Monday, 1 March 2010

Baby blues

14th December 2009

I was feeling very 'wrong' today despite everything in reality was right. I have my family, kids are enjoying themselves but after six days in Malaysia, I was experiencing what you can call 'baby blues'.

Being around family and surrounded by people, experiencing Silatur Rahm was a great feeling. I was actually feeling very excited and happy but any change is hard even a good change.

Do you know what it's like to experience 'baby blues'? You know a few days after giving birth was like a feeling of euphoria. You feel like the happiest person in the world then, baby blues kick in...and despite everything being right, you holding this beautiful baby in your arms but there was a feeling of sadness, of being overwhelmed. For some women, they even go into depression and they don't even know why.

Not all women suffer from this feeling but if you are one of those, then you know what I mean. If you aren't then, just be grateful for it but please don't look down on other women who do.

Anyway, that was how I felt...slightly overwhelmed, slightly wrong and sad...

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