Thursday 17 October 2013

Dedicated to stay at home moms and working moms

I am playing stay at home mom at the moment (a few days of annual leave) and despite feeling absolutely shattered and also developing a sore throat from too much shouting, I feel great! I love it!

I have forgotten how nice it feels to pick up the children from school, prepare the food for them, help them with homework and to actually make sure the house runs like clockwork. Often women are subjected to criticism for working and accused of being "career minded" or neglecting the children. However, that is far from the truth. In today's very demanding and financially challenging world, most women are forced to work. Some are single parents, some have to supplement the income of the husband and some have husbands who don't work (for whatever reason). In majority of cases, women work because it is a necessity and given the choice, they would love to be a stay at home mom and look after the welfare of the children themselves.

Wish people would stop pointing fingers and make assumptions about working moms. It would be great if men are back to becoming "bread winners" and expected to provide primarily but that's not happening yet. InsyaAllah maybe as the Islamic understanding of the roles between men and women become clearer and that the responsibility of providing is handed back to our XY gender.

However, it is important to make the best of every situation and to enjoy whatever challenge is given to us. If you enjoy whatever you are meant to do, that is half of the work done. The other half is just the practicalities. So, here I am after a very long day just sipping tea and listening to the news, Alhamdulillah enjoying this moment.

To our stay at home moms who have taken the decision to run around like crazy all day. Well done! and to our working moms who despite loving their jobs, would still love to manage a bunch of screaming kids instead; well hang in there. You know why you're doing what you're doing. Whatever it is, do it with the intention to please Allah SWT and none of your efforts will be wasted insyaAllah!

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