Thursday, 17 October 2013

Dedicated to stay at home moms and working moms

I am playing stay at home mom at the moment (a few days of annual leave) and despite feeling absolutely shattered and also developing a sore throat from too much shouting, I feel great! I love it!

I have forgotten how nice it feels to pick up the children from school, prepare the food for them, help them with homework and to actually make sure the house runs like clockwork. Often women are subjected to criticism for working and accused of being "career minded" or neglecting the children. However, that is far from the truth. In today's very demanding and financially challenging world, most women are forced to work. Some are single parents, some have to supplement the income of the husband and some have husbands who don't work (for whatever reason). In majority of cases, women work because it is a necessity and given the choice, they would love to be a stay at home mom and look after the welfare of the children themselves.

Wish people would stop pointing fingers and make assumptions about working moms. It would be great if men are back to becoming "bread winners" and expected to provide primarily but that's not happening yet. InsyaAllah maybe as the Islamic understanding of the roles between men and women become clearer and that the responsibility of providing is handed back to our XY gender.

However, it is important to make the best of every situation and to enjoy whatever challenge is given to us. If you enjoy whatever you are meant to do, that is half of the work done. The other half is just the practicalities. So, here I am after a very long day just sipping tea and listening to the news, Alhamdulillah enjoying this moment.

To our stay at home moms who have taken the decision to run around like crazy all day. Well done! and to our working moms who despite loving their jobs, would still love to manage a bunch of screaming kids instead; well hang in there. You know why you're doing what you're doing. Whatever it is, do it with the intention to please Allah SWT and none of your efforts will be wasted insyaAllah!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Struggle and defense against evil, Iblis the cursed one

I'm reading surah Al-Hijr which is chapter 15 from the Qur'an.

The Qur'an is simply amazing.

No matter how many times you read it, there's always something that touches your heart or stimulates your mind.

From ayat 28 to 42, Allah SWT tells us the event that took place at the time when Adam (our great ancestor),was created. Allah SWT tells us about the interaction that happened between Himself and Iblis. Yes, Iblis - the first evil (also referred to as Syaitan)

Allah SWT said,

"So, when I have fashioned him (Adam) completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall you (the Angels) down prostrating yourselves to him. So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together. Except for Iblis - he refused to be among them (to prostrate). Allah said, "O Iblis! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators? Iblis said, "I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from dried clay of altered mud." Allah said, "Then, get out from here (paradise) for verily, you are Rajim (an outcast or cursed one) And verily, the curse shall be upon you until the Day of Recompense (Resurrection). Iblis said, "O my Lord! Give me time (respite) till the Day The dead will be resurrected. Allah said, "Then verily, you are of those reprieved, Till the Day of the time appointed. Iblis said, "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all. Except Your chosen (guided) slaves among them." Allah said "This is a Way which will lead straight to Me. Certainly you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghawun (those who go astray)."

I am far from qualified to give a tafsir (interpretation) regarding this verses but nevertheless there are so many lessons and points to be taken here and most of these points are well known to all Muslims. I just wanted to share the points I received from this beautiful surah MashaAllah.

The first point that Iblis believed in Allah SWT as the Creator, he called him "Rabbi" (My Lord) and even acknowledged that it was Allah SWT who misled him. Iblis did not say that Adam misled him. We must believe from TAWHEED that Allah SWT is the Most Powerful. There is nothing more Powerful than Him, and certainly not Iblis. Iblis does not have power.

Secondly, Iblis became the cursed one (an outcast) because of his pride. He was too arrogant to bow down to Adam despite his years and years of believing and worshiping Allah SWT but he refused to follow a simple instruction due to pride. BE VERY CAREFUL OF OUR PRIDE and if we sense any PRIDE within us then we must try to overcome it.

Thirdly, Iblis (syaitan) looks down on us. Iblis believes he is superior to Adam because he was created from fire but Adam was created from mud. In Surah Al Anam ayat 142 it is stated that "Surely he (Syaitan) to you an open enemy". (also 35:6 and many others) So, as humans we should know that our enemy do not think much of us. Our enemy believes he is better than us, more superior in his nature and if anything, he has vengeance towards us. So, let us not be in awe of Iblis or think that we can negotiate with him!

Fourthly, Iblis asked Allah SWT for two things. He asked for a long life i.e. to live until the day of resurrection and he asked Allah's permission to mislead humans from Allah's TRUE PATH. We must remember that Iblis has ONE MISSION in the long life that he has which is to mislead us, and he promised to mislead us in every possible way. He will use many different ways in many different parts of the world. He will threaten us with poverty (2:268), entice us with false desires (4:119-120), entice men with power and honour, get us to worship him instead of Allah SWT by committing Shirk, Sihir and Khurafat. Since I came back to Malaysia, I realize there's so much Sihir and Khurafat here. Please be careful not to commit this and if you think you have committed Shir or Khurafat, cepat-cepatlah bertaubat (repent quickly insyaAllah)

But finally, the good news is that Allah SWT says the Syaitan has no authority over mankind except if we follow him ourselves. Even Syaitan himself realizes that he has no power and no authority over us because on the day of resurrection, this is what he will say:

“And Shaitan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: ‘Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers)’” (Quran, Ibraaheem: 22). 

However, I'm finding that we are in a dire situation. Things just seem pretty bad at the moment and it feels so hard to practice Islam in its totality. Sometimes it feels like there are so many holes on the wall and water is leaking from every hole and you' re struggling to fix these leaks. We are certainly being attacked from all directions as Syaitan has promised he would do (7:16-17). Is it not? our economic system is based on interest and profit, the society is based on free-mixing and it seems easier to commit the haram (wrong) actions than to remain on the straight path.

But there is a good reason for this. Islam came as a complete system and it protects us from the attack of our enemy (the Syaitan) at three levels:

1. The individual taqwa
2. The Islamic values of the society and it's promotion of taqwa
3. The implementation and enforcement of Shariah laws by the government

These three levels are complimentary and is meant to be our armour and guard against the enticement of Syaitan. Yet, today we do not have number (3). There is no Islamic state (Khilafah) to implement, promote and enforce Islam. is true our third line of defense is missing.

On top of that, our community and society are slowly being influenced to adopt "liberal" viewpoints and acceptance of the non-islamic way of life. The society no longer promotes taqwa (fear and obedience to Allah SWT) but rather people are more willing to accept non-islamic values and ideas.

So, we are all left with only ONE defense mechanism which is the individual taqwa and that is difficult and dangerous because taqwa is the fear of Allah SWT, it is our awareness of Him. As humans, we are weak. We often forget, we are not aware of Allah's presence at all times. Sometimes our thoughts are clear and sometimes we are confused by other thoughts. Sometimes our feelings are stable but sometimes we get disturbed by negative feelings. On top of that the moment we feel that we are okay...that we will not be affected by the whisperings of Syaitan, that marks the beginning of our downfall because that is when we succumb to pride and arrogance.

So, what can we do?

Well, ideally we should bring the Khilafah back and work for it. InsyaAllah no doubt we should all yearn for the return of Islam as a complete system. I guess we could try at every level with our friends, family and community to re-instill our islamic values and promote an environment of taqwa in our homes, our community and workplace. Try to remind one another with patience and the truth (surah Al-Asr).

As for our own individual taqwa, I really don't know...I'm struggling with that every single day SubhanAllah but no matter what we must always believe

There is no power in this world but Allah SWT. 

He is kind, merciful and we should never ever lose hope in Him. No matter how bad we think we are and how much wrong and sins we think we have done. There is always hope in repentance and forgiveness from Allah SWT so, keep asking Him for guidance and forgiveness. May Allah SWT guide us and May He return Islam as a complete system and protect us from our enemy, Iblis the OUTCAST.


  I am in a quest to search for THIS truth. People ask, 'why are you still searching for the truth?’  You have found Islam.  You believe...