Sunday, 26 June 2011

Still day 7 Kg Gajah: still making the best out of it.

Played table tennis today after 15 years! It was fun Alhamdulillah.

The best thing about Kg Gajah is that I have nothing else to do here, no distractions and so, can focus on getting some exercise.

I'm supposed to be studying tonight for the exams but...I'm procrastinating. Hopefully, my daughter won't read this blog or it would be a bad example cause I'm always telling her to study and revise for her exams.

Hmm...instead I'm blogging.

I'm feeling okay now probably because I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...the light is approaching fast, time is moving quickly and soon it will be time to go home. Hope is a powerful thing to keep us going as human beings. Without hope, we are lost forever.

It is hard to imagine those people who are detained without charge such as those in Guantanamo Bay, and even some in the custody of US or UK such as Babar Ahmad. They must have such strength to remain sane and to keep having that hope and reliance in Allah SWT. I guess...there is always hope as long as we believe in Allah and know that this life is only a passing moment. May Allah help this Ummah, give them strength and patience and may the Khilafah be re-established soon. Ameen.


  1. I'm reading mummy! I check you're blog every 2days

  2. I've been studying and revising all day today, just having short breaks for solat, eat and blogging so, follow Mummy's example okay lil hijabi. I've been studying for like 11 hours!


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