Thursday, 3 March 2011

Sometimes disatisfaction is legitimate and sometimes it is just my weakness...

Every morning on my 20 minutes journey to work, I would see a flock of birds in the sky and they always fly in a pattern. It is beautiful. It reminds me of the beautiful hadith that says "If you all relied on Allah with due reliance. He would certainly give you provisions as He gives it to a bird who issue forth hungry in the morning and comes back full"

When I went back to London for a little while...I was able to directly compare my life in UK and my life in Malaysia. There were a lot of pros and cons but I realised there were many things and people that I missed in UK. This is no surprise as I spent so many years of my life there. I never felt that I was a 'foreigner' but instead I felt that I was part of a growing Muslim community in Britain who have chosen to practice Islam and to hold on to the values of Islam despite being bombarded by daily accusations of being 'extremist' and 'terrorist'. I felt that I was contributing to the society with my medical skills and I wanted to help the people as much as I could because that is what Islam expects of me. To me, my identity was as a Muslim. I was not anything else, my race, my colour, my language didn't matter. I am what I am in my race, my colour and language because Allah made me that way but it had no bearings on who I am, I am a Muslim and that was enough. My strength was Islam and my confidence came from Islam.

We can learn so much from every community and pick the best characters from them. When I came back to Malaysia, I started to compare the life even more...and although I believe my conclusions have been correct but I was forgetting one thing...that Allah puts us where we ought to be. Yesterday, I spoke to some students and talking to them about motivation and Islam reminded me that I have been sent here for a purpose, which is to pass on whatever little bit of knowledge that I have acquired, that I ought to be grateful for everything that Allah has given to me.

I have learned so much from the community here too...the true meaning of tawakkal, believing in Rizk and ajal. The overwhelming love and affection for Islam...and gratefulness.


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