Three days ago, in his usual lunch time speech our PM confirmed the abolishment of fake news act which was hastily brought in by ex-PM prior to the election. This is good news for most of us. However, since the results of GE-14, we have been inundated with various 'fake news' and often misleading headlines even from main stream media reporting, not to mention the various unnecessary negative and sometimes outright rude comments from some members of the public. So, how do we strike a balance between protecting the rights of people to express themselves versus the protection against fake and malicious intent?
I agree that introducing a law is not the answer because even if a law was created with good intentions, it can somewhere along the way be abused by those in power. Therefore, we need a better long term solution. My thoughts would be on self-regulatory based on the concept of professionalism. First of all, let me introduce the meaning of Professionalism
Professionals often pride themselves through their ability to self-regulate. Therefore, as a doctor I am a professional and I have a regulatory body which is the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) that ensures doctors maintain a certain standard of practice through defined codes and ethical conduct, will not abuse their power and will be investigated if commit any medical wrongdoings.
If as a nation we pride ourselves in our ability to express our views and not be restricted by a government law then perhaps we need to regulate ourselves. This regulatory should not come from the government because people hate government interference (irrespective of any government whether it is BN or PH or PAS). Therefore, these regulatory body should be independent. It is perhaps easier for media outlets for example, I am sure they have a regulatory body and if they don't, they should have. However, when we talk about the people in general, it is slightly difficult because people are people, so there are no one regulatory body as such.
However, we can have general guidelines and NGOs or other professional bodies that can promote a responsible type of behaviour, a form of education to the public as to how to become professional in our responses and remarks towards others.
For example:
1. When you read a news or statement do not react immediately, take time to think about it and how you would react. Don't jump to conclusions, do not assume. Just take a few seconds to think.
2. Before you share a news or statement, think first what is your objective of sharing? Is it to educate or for malicious intent? Do not spread lies or have malicious intent. Spread for the purpose of education or information.
3. When we express our views, are we simply venting out our frustration or do we intent to incite feelings in others? Venting out our own frustration in public may not be a bad thing as long as people know that is what we are doing. We must always remember that whatever we write, will be read by people from God knows where and from which background. They may not always understand or agree. Therefore, be clear if we are simply venting out. Use emoticons if needed.
On the contrary, if we intent to incite feelings in others, this may lead to sedition (hasutan). We must know the difference and we must be aware of our role in this issue. There is already a 'Sedition Act' in Malaysia and it is not going to be rid of anytime soon.
There are a few issues that are considered 'sensitive' in Malaysia and it is already in the Malaysian constitution. This includes the rights of the 'Nine State Royal Kings' of Malaysia, the rights of the Malay Natives and Indigenous (Bumiputera) people and so on. How do we handle these issues? I don't believe we should declare these topics as untouchables, but I do believe that within our education system, the way we convey the message to our children should be clear. Make history interactive and let the children discuss these issues. Children are innocent, they do not yet have the understanding of good and bad but they need to know why history has shaped the way things are today. They need to appreciate history and learn to respect others.
As for the constitutional rights as above, these should be protected and remain however, I also believe that our Malaysian Chinese and Indians whose parents, grandparents, perhaps even great-grandparents were born and brought up here, should be given some form of 'Bumiputera' equivalent status and rights. After all, their forefathers came here with a hope for a better life, a better future and equal opportunity. Most importantly, we share a history, a national language, a national anthem, same national heritage. We celebrate one another's culture and we have respect and understanding of one another's beliefs. Chinese and Indians learning Mandarin or Tamil is not a problem, if anything we should all become trilingual but exclusion is not the answer and vernacular schools is not the answer. I will leave it to the politicians and I know it sounds weird and people would probably cuss me for it but we all worked together to make this country great so, why not?
Well, it is not for me to decide. I am just a small fish in the sea. However, the issue of fake news need to be address because we cannot allow those who are irresponsible or malicious to taint the good intent of the other 99% of the people in this country. At present, a month after the GE-14, the people are still in an intoxicated state, like someone who have just achieved freedom and people are saying whatever they want to say; but there needs to be some form of regulation and in most cases, equilibrium will be achieved by itself, unless a catalyst is introduced. So, be mindful people!