the 18th May 2018 The Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed named
his cabinet ministers. Initially, Tun Dr Mahathir announced that he was going
to hold the port-folio of the Minister of Education (MOE) however, perhaps
after several discussions, and a lot of ‘noises’ from certain people, the final
candidate was Dr Maszlee Malik. So who is #DrMaszleeMalik?
this website article, he seems to have a good credential. However, my personal
concern is the fact that he comes from an Islamic background. Will he be able
to cater for the multi-racial, multi-religion society. At this crucial point
where our society is looking for unity we need to provide an education that is
fit for all. Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-Islam and no disrespect to Dr Maszlee, I don't know him.
My point is our current education system is largely fragmented with the last
10 years or more, we have seen a rise in the numbers of private international
schools, private Islamic schools, National-type Chinese and Indian schools as
well as the National schools. This has indirectly segregated our children and
deprived them of the multi-racial environment that most of us (in the 80s and
90s) experienced and enjoyed.
week prior to the elections, we did an exercise with the kids and asked them if
they were to form the next government what policies would they like to change
or introduced. Their main agenda were EDUCATION and ENVIRONMENT with some general political issues. If 18-11 year olds can come up with this. I am sure our strong
cabinet will do better.
Here are their wish list:
1. To limit the Prime Ministers’ rule to
two terms only (Maximum of 10 years)
2. To introduce Ministers salary based on
performance –
advice to them was it is probably a bit difficult to implement this and we do
not want Ministers to do their jobs based on popularity either.
3. To improve the distribution of zakat
(Muslims) and charity (everyone) to those who need it.
added: To make it easier for this to happen and it would mean the Zakat & Charity office
needs to actively look for people who should receive help.
4. Free
speech – the kids would
like free press and free speech.
added: this must be coupled with better education system to make sure children
and adult alike can communicate facts and able to discern truth from fake. Free
speech must be coupled with responsibility.
5. Stop flags – The kids felt that the
flags during elections were a waste of money. (Don’t know what people think
about this!)
6. No
divisive campaign – The
kids do not want to hear each side slagging off the other but instead political
parties should focus on their own manifesto and how they were going to bring
the country forward. They wanted more truth and honest admission if certain
mistakes were made and how it would be corrected.
1. No
text books. The schools
should have a clear syllabus and reference book for teachers. However, teachers
should be free to teach the children using creative methods rather than having
the kids to copy down what is in the text books.
My son says teachers should ask more
questions and let kids speak and give ideas rather than to sit there and listen
to the teacher all day long. He felt the method of teaching was boring.
Teachers will plan out their weekly objectives and daily teaching plan to ensure they cover the syllabus (as per usual) and to submit reports (as per usual)
2. The practice of ‘copy’ from text books
should be stopped with immediate effect because it is teaching our children to
be parrots.
have seen the effects it has on our undergraduate students with the problems of
3. No
vernacular schools. The
kids would like to have all the different races in their schools.
not have to shut down vernacular schools but need to open up for all races and
to convert all schools to National school.
Extra cultural classes or religious education can be conducted after National school time, the same as the Muslim children who currently go to National school (am or pm) and then go for extra religious school (am or pm). This extra school is optional.
Private religious schools (any religion) and private international schools will need to meet the standards of the National curriculum.
4. Develop a national curriculum that can
incorporate all race and cultures.
added: revisit the Razak Report
5. Start
formal education at an earlier age of 6 years old but for the first two years will be assessment
only but no formal exams. Formal examinations will start at 8 years old.
idea: The first two years of school (aged
6 until 7 years old) I would like to adopt Tun Dr Mahathir’s idea of 3M
(membace, menulis, mengira – read, write, count) but I would like to adapt to 6M (which will also include melukis, menari
dan muzik). The reason is at this age, children should be allowed to
express their artistic nature. Drawing is what children like to do anyway but
they can be taught with proper technique and improve in creativity, dancing
will improve their gross motor skills and coordination as well as introducing
them to the Malay, Indian and Chinese as well as other cultures and music, as
we know classical music helps to improve intelligence.
7. Hubby’s and sons idea: Sports and physical activity should be
incorporated in all schools (no text books) children from the age of 8 years
old should be taught on the proper technique of the games e.g. ball control etc.
To employ those with sports science degree or diploma to teach ‘pendidikan
jasmani’. As Lim Teong Kim explained that the grass roots is important if we
want to build a good national football team
8. ICT should also be part of the daily
educational method of teaching rather than a separate subject. ICT can be used
to teach languages or maths in dedicated classes.
9. Moral
and civic-minded behaviour
should be incorporated in the classroom and every activity e.g. making sure the children throw
rubbish or sharpen pencils in the bin; looking after cleanliness of the school
rather than a separate subject. It should be incorporated in the everyday
behaviour e.g. making sure plates/cutleries are put in the proper basin after
eating at the school canteen.
10. My daughter also suggested to add personal finance training and touch typing
in schools (as she found that useful – I taught her both)
11. At 16 years old, they should be able
to choose the subjects they would want to study based on interest rather than
intellect. Our nation has gone far ahead from those times when smart students
study science subjects and ‘not so smart’ students study arts subjects. We know
now that the job market is competitive and even doctors, lawyers and engineers
sometimes can be jobless after they qualify. Therefore, we should stop this
discrimination and allow our children to excel in whatever subject of their
interest whether it is arts, science or technical.
12. I am not sure about technical schools, but they need to leave school with proper technical pra-diploma certificate that they can use to further their studies (in diploma and degree)
1. The kids are all in agreement that all historical lands and buildings are to be
protected and restored to be re-used for their intended purpose e.g.
Lapangan Terbang Sungai Besi or preserved as historical site e.g. Pudu Jail. This
is our national heritage.
added: Proper laws to make sure that NO Minister or anyone in power will be able to change its title or sell to the highest bidder for any amount of
profit. We must protect these sites from those who have absolutely NO
understanding of culture and heritage and are only interested in their own
personal wealth.
2. Sabah
and Sarawak environment must be protected and all development project must not affect the ecosystem
of the land.
added: To find other methods for development e.g. instead of investing on big
highway projects that can jeopardize the environment, to use the funds to
improve river transportation with better high speed boats and ferries,
introduce flying doctors (like in Australia). We must change the mind-set that
development = destruction of rain forests; and to become more creative in using
technology to improve lives.
3. Stop
building more shopping malls
all over the place. There are too many malls already. Instead invest in
recreational parks, covered pedestrian walks, libraries, water features.
4. For new buildings, invest on renewable energy e.g. solar energy,
wind energy etc.
5. Improve public transport and covered pedestrian walkways (like in Sunway)
and have areas for pedestrian walks only (no vehicles allowed) in KL and other
busy towns.
educate the public on mental health and
no more stigmatization. Improve counselling
services especially in schools and universities.