Sunday, 11 February 2018

The issue of Muslim conversion

Just want to share my thoughts with regards to M Indira Ghandhi's kids conversion I know it is a legal matter Shariah vs Federal court; so I am not going to comment on the technicalities neither am I commenting specifically about this case but as a Muslim, this much I know about my religion.  

1. Malaysia is not an Islamic state 
Don't be surprised with this statement. Anyone who claims otherwise is naive. Why? It is clear for any sane mind there are two legal / justice system. That clearly makes Malaysia a secular country with the 'official' religion as Islam and where certain parts of Islamic laws are implemented and applicable to Muslims in terms of marriage, divorce, custody, inheritance etc...but the highest rule of law is man made; a constitution left to us from the British and independence. A true Islamic state will not have two justice system, just like Prophet Muhammad never implemented any other law but Islamic law in Makkah and Medinah even towards non-Muslims and that is why the non-Muslims are known as Dhimmis (non Muslim citizens of the Islamic state). So stop kidding ourselves and perhaps even if Muslims wanted to implement total Shariah, they can't because they don't even know how. First of all, the entire system has to change and even the appointment of the ruler (Khalif) has to be different. Find out more for yourselves. Definitely, Islamic state is not Taliban version or ISIS which has so far been the most inaccurate representation of Islam ever...I am digressing, in conclusion Malaysia is not an Islamic state hence these kind of situations i.e. Mrs M Indira ghandhi's case is bound to happen where Shariah court says one thing and then is over ruled by the Human own mind's court. 

2. As far as Islamic law is concerned (even without the state), a child born to Muslim parents is Muslim. A child born to Muslim father and non-Muslim mother is a Muslim. However, a child born to non-Muslim parents and then after birth, the father or mother converts, what should we do? Truth is...I don't know the nitty-gritty of the Shariah ruling but I can only think of the story of Ali (The Prophet's cousin). Ali was only 9 years old (same age as Indira's youngest child) when the Prophet invited him to Islam, Ali said he wanted to go and ask his father, Abi Talib first. So the next day he came back to the Prophet and said he wanted to become Muslim, the Prophet asked, so you have asked your father? and Ali said no, he hasn't but he was thinking about it and he thought God created him without his father's permission so why should he ask for his father's permission to worship the God that created him. Therefore, does a child need the permission of his parents to convert to Islam? Not from this story it seems as the Prophet Muhammad did not chastise him or told him to go and get his father's permission.

Perhaps some would say...Oh my God! that is terrible! How can one say that?

3. Well, what makes a Muslim in a first place.

Having a piece of paper that says "Islam" in the religion column does not make one a Muslim. That is just official stuff. If a father who converts goes to the authorities and unilateral "converts" his children to Islam, does that make them Muslim? Maybe if they were babies but don't Islam have the different ages when one becomes 'Mumaiyiz' and becomes 'Baligh'. If a child like Ali can decide for himself, can think for himself that he doesn't need anyone's permission, not his dad, not his mother, not the president or the leader of Quraysh for him to become a Muslim, what does that tell us?

What makes a Muslim is his or her belief. If one believes that Allah is the ONE true God, there is no other God but Him and that Muhammad is the last and final prophet, then he or she is a Muslim. This is the Aqeedah. This is all one needs to be a Muslim. So, Indira's children are now 20,19 and 9 years old, surely they can decide by now whether they believe or do not believe. I don't know the full story, did they take the Shahadah or not or whatever but it can work either way; if it is true that the father converted them 10 or however many years ago without their presence, how does that make them a Muslim? and at the same time, if they believe in Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God then the courts can revoke their conversion all it wants, they are still Muslim. In fact during the time of the Prophet, there were many Muslims in Makkah who were afraid to be open about their belief in fear of persecution but they were Muslims. We are now in Malaysia, a country that Islam is supposed to be the official religion, so no one should be persecuted for their belief in Islam.

I don't want to discuss about the technicalities or the laws etc...etc...but I do want to hear scholars / uztaz or all those who are verse in Islam to discuss these issues with the public. Islam is about our belief, and without a doubt if one beliefs in Allah, the Creator and the One who sent the Qur'an to Muhammad then, he or she is a Muslim. What other definition do we want?

A piece of certificate or whatever is a formality, to apply for schools or getting married, or whatever benefit of this world but that is what it is. It is important but only for that purpose. In the hereafter, we do not need our IC or our birth certificates or a certificate that says we are Muslim, we only need what we believe in our hearts. 

Just my two cents.


  I am in a quest to search for THIS truth. People ask, 'why are you still searching for the truth?’  You have found Islam.  You believe...