Have you ever felt terribly annoyed by a shopper blocking your way? You’re pushing your trolley along this aisle and they’re standing there staring at a tin of tomato completely oblivious to you? Yes... it happens all the time.
When I was in the UK, these things don’t happen often. Most of the time people are aware of other people and often responsive to the needs of others e.g. opening doors for other people, helping someone with a heavy suitcase... but sometimes when they do block the aisle... it is because the person has made a conscious decision that they have the ‘rights’ to be there...that their individualistic rights to be in the middle of the aisle is more important than anyone else’s right of way...it is a totally selfish individualistic but conscious decision...
When I keep facing this kind of similar behaviour in Malaysia... initially I started to believe that people were terribly individualistic and selfish... but after a while I start to realize that most of the time people are genuinely unaware... they are simply unaware that they are standing in the middle of the aisle blocking other people’s way. It is not because of a self conscious decision to be selfish and individualistic but rather their level of consciousness of their surroundings is at a minimum level...
This is something that I have come to notice more and more... the lack of awareness... people are walking around, driving around almost subconsciously. How many people out there are just living day to day...going to work, completing chores, studying but completely unaware of themselves, of others, of their surroundings and of the bigger issues that dictate what goes on in the world?
Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or sensory patterns.
Self awareness is an important aspect of human psychology and scientists have dedicated time and research in understanding the development of self awareness and awareness of others in children. It is thought that intelligence is related to early development of awareness. Children start to become aware or conscious of themselves around the age of 1-2 years old...and it is a process that they go through until they reached the age of 4-5 years old...
Islam teaches us the most fundamental issues of awareness. The process of awareness that should make Muslims achieve the highest level of intelligence.
1. Awareness of the existence of God – it is not sufficient to simply believe in God as a form of theoretical or knowledge rather, this believe should instigate an awareness in the believer that God exists and He is present at all times.
Allah SWT says in 50:16 “And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him And we are nearer to him than his jugular vein.”
This is awareness for us...this should provoke an awareness inside us that God is nearer to us than ourselves...
The Prophet SAW says in hadith of Jibrail when he SAW explained about ihsan. He said “It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him and while you see Him not, yet truly He sees you.”
2. Awareness of the Qur’an being word of God – Often Muslims are taught to respect the Qur’an, in awe of the Qur’an, to recite and memorize it but how often are we taught to be aware of the Qur’an being the speech of Allah... that each word has meaning and implications in our lives? Such awareness should propel us into action... into being the person that the Qur’an tells us to become.
3. Self awareness – Islam teaches us to be aware of ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas, our feelings and behaviour. It tells us to self- reflect (muhasabah) or in the Western world it is known as reflective practice...to look back upon our day and reflect upon our deeds, to improve ourselves everyday... to critically analyse ourselves and to change any negative thoughts or actions into positive ones...
Allah SWT says in 50: 17 – 18 “(Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive each human being, one sitting on the right and one on the left. Not a word does he or she utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)
4. Awareness of others – islam also teaches us to be aware of others...aware of their thoughts, feelings, behaviours, wants and needs...to treat people with kindness and respect. To deal with problems justly and in accordance to the shariah...to have good manners towards others and to be harsh against those who insult Islam.
5. Awareness of the environment and surroundings – Islam creates a sense of awareness inside us to care for the environment, living creatures and our surroundings. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet SAW said “a man came across a thorn in the road and said, ‘I will remove this thorn so that it does not harm a Muslim.’ For that reason he was forgiven”
6. Awareness of halal and haram – regardless of whether a Muslim adheres to the shariah, one should still be aware of halal and haraam, right and wrong, good and bad...how the shariah is a guidance and should dictate how a Muslim should live and how the shariah should organize the society. This is awareness of the system...the Islamic system.
7. Awareness of the political situation of the Ummah. The Prophet SAW says “those who go to sleep not thinking about the affairs of the Ummah is not one of us” and “those who wake up without thinking about the affairs of the ummah is not one of us."
Hence, awareness should be the core feature of the Muslim’s mind and being. The simple day to day activities such as courtesy whilst shopping, safe driving, opening doors for others are basic awareness that should be as natural as breathing. The higher level functioning of our mind should be awareness of ourselves, our actions, our surroundings and how we interact with ourselves, others and our relationship with Allah SWt...this is perfectly demonstrated by Ali r.a when he was in the midst of a battlefield and he was about to kill his enemy but his enemy spat at him and so, he released him out of fear that he would kill the man because of anger rather than for the worship of Allah SWT. This is the elevated personality with true awareness of himself, of his enemy, of his surrounding and of his relationship with Allah.
We too need to develop this awareness...the true awareness for us to become the exemplary character.
Within this blog I share my thoughts and experiences of relocating back to Malaysia after 17 years being abroad in London.
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